following in
jessi's footsteps, here's a blog about how we arrived at our kids' names.
Caleb Alan
before we had kids, we talked about naming a son zachary alan. we knew we wanted alan as a middle name because it's troy's dad's name and he had always wanted to name a son after his dad. and zachary just sounded good with alan. but then troy told a couple of people what we
were thinking and i just have this thing about keeping it to ourselves until we're really sure. and the more people talked about our "someday kid" named zachary alan, the more i became convinced that that's not what i wanted. so then finally we were pregnant and i was pretty sure we were having a boy. and somehow, i just wanted the name caleb. i love the story of caleb in
the Bible and i love that he is described as loyal to God. we talked about a few other names, too, but i distinctly remember one time, a few days before our ultrasound, driving home in the car and saying, "ok, if we are having a boy, his name is caleb alan." so the day of the ultrasound, we called all our family and shared with them the excitement of our little caleb alan!
Alia Marie
oh girls' names. so much harder for us. troy loved the name abigail, and calling her abby, but as a teacher i had had a few negative run-ins with abigails. plus, my cousin has a daughter named abigail. and then troy liked the nickname allie, so he thought maybe naming her allison. which is a beautiful name, but also my maiden name and i wasn't quite removed enough from it to do that. plus, i knew the middle name would be marie because it was my grandma's, my mom's, and my middle name. and to go from lauren marie allison to having a daughter named allison marie, was a little strange. so at one point, when i was pregnant with caleb, troy said, "let's just name a girl alia and call her ali." but he was mostly kidding because he thought he had made up the name and wanted something that had more meaning behind it. every once in a while, when we would talk about future kid names, i would bring up alia marie (because i loved it) and he would sort of just shrug it off. fast forward a couple of years and we're pregnant with ali. we went into the ultrasound with a couple of options (of which alia was not one) and we find out we're having a girl. our top choice for name began with a "P" (and i'm not mentioning it because we might use it later and if i share it, i'll start not liking it). but think about the initials P. M. S. yikes. i actually asked the ultrasound tech what she thought of a girl with those initials. she said it was up to me, but she wouldn't do it. bummer. so, we're in the car, after the ultrasound, and wanting to call our families with the news... and a name. so i again mention alia and ask troy to look it up on the computer to see if it is actually a name and what the meaning is. and he does. and we fall in love with it! the name means "my God is Yahweh" or "Yahweh is God". beautiful... and just what we pray for our precious girl. more on the name