Monday, April 7, 2008

trip to spokane

i haven't blogged for a while because we were in spokane for the wedding of one of our closest friends. troy was the best man and i was his support crew and babysitter. my job was to make sure he had as little to worry about as possible so that he, in turn, could make sure the groom had as little to worry about as possible. i think we were successful and the long weekend was full of many highs... and a few lows.
highs: sneaking into a garage to decorate the getaway car, time with friends, caleb taking good naps, after-wedding calzones, watching troy do his job and love his friends, early morning cups of tea, finding a babysitter for the rehearsal dinner, etc, etc, etc.
lows: caleb crying so much for the wedding babysitter that she had to call me and i had to miss the wedding, being sick with a cold, having caleb sick with a cold, troy being sick with a cold, not enough time with the bride and groom (but it's a wedding so i was expecting as much), lousy pass conditions on the way home.
as you can tell, the highs far outweigh the lows. we had a great time... although it sure would be nice to have a weekend to recover from it!

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