Wednesday, March 26, 2008


in the midst of a hard couple of weeks with a sick baby, last sunday was a low point. i spent the day holding a crying baby and trying to avoid getting puked on. not exactly a celebration of Christ's resurrection! it made us stop and think, though, what do we want easter to be in our family? do we want a special breakfast? do we want to do easter baskets? what will we do to make that day stand out from the rest and give it the attention that it's due? we don't have any specific plans yet (and we've got about a year to decide) but it's something we'll definitely want to keep thinking/talking about. i would love any suggestions for possible traditions and celebrations!
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1 comment:

Amy said...

I like the idea of a special breakfast....we might have to try that next year. Our only easter tradition so far is going out to Red Lobster! This is the third year in a row that we've done it.